Special Needs Equipment

Tomcat Trikes available throughout Ireland at John Preston Healthcare

Tomcat Trikes available throughout Ireland at John Preston Healthcare

At John Preston we supply a wide range of Tomcat Trikes for children and adults with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or emerging mobility problems. Tomcat trikes are customised to meet t...

JOSI-Wismi Rehab Buggy Handover

JOSI-Wismi Rehab Buggy Handover

We at John Preston are delighted with our recent JOSI-Wismi Rehab Buggy handover in Drumlish Co Longford. Francis our Mobility sales advisor had the pleasure of meeting the proud owner and his family...

Recent Tomcat Fizz Handover in Castlederg

Recent Tomcat Fizz Handover in Castlederg

Danny our onsite engineer had the pleasure of delivering a purple Tomcat Fizz to a young lady from Castlederg. This signature trike came with some custom add ons including a tall back with lateral for...


What is the best Special Needs Buggy?

With such a wide a range available on the market and many factors to consider when buying a special needs buggy for your child you may ask yourself: What is the best buggy for my child?  What is...


Competition – WIN a Tomcat Trike

*This competition is now closed* WIN a Tomcat Trike – Name the new handcycle from Tomcat to be in the chance of winning! Tomcat Trikes are adapted trikes for all abilities including children and a...

JOSI Octopus positioning system for head and upper body now available

JOSI Octopus positioning system for head and upper body now available

The JOSI Octopus arms 'embrace' the user and provide anterior trunk support We now supply the JOSI Octopus positioning system which is used to position the head and upper body of wheelchair users or...

Cycle to Work scheme now available for all ability bikes, trikes and hand cycle attachments!

Cycle to Work scheme now available for all ability bikes, trikes and hand cycle attachments!

Get your perfect bike, trike or handcycle attachment via the Cycle to Work scheme! We offer an enormous range of bikes, trikes and handcycles and wheelchair attachments for people of all abilities an...

Electric Trikes in UK & Ireland - Buy from the experts

Electric Trikes in UK & Ireland - Buy from the experts

We supply the finest Electric Trikes for those of all abilities! When researching electric trikes you should take the time to have a chat with an experienced expert - particularly if you have any lim...

Safespaces can help everyone enjoy a good nights sleep

Safespaces can help everyone enjoy a good nights sleep

Being stuck at home all day every day is tough on the whole family and a good nights sleep is particularly important so that everyone can feel refreshed and ready to go the following day. The range o...

An ideal chair for disabled children for use at home and in school

An ideal chair for disabled children for use at home and in school

Are you looking for the best chair for disabled children? You have come to the right place! Every child is unique and different and the Mercado 9400 chair for disabled children takes this is into acc...

Running special needs buggies - Enjoy park runs and marathons with your child with special needs

Running special needs buggies - Enjoy park runs and marathons with your child with special needs

Our range of running special needs buggies and strollers allow you and your child to enjoy running together! Our special needs buggies for running can be used for a multitude of sports and allow pare...

Come and try special needs trikes, specialist seating and kids wheelchair power attachments in Dublin on 7th Nov 2019

Come and try special needs trikes, specialist seating and kids wheelchair power attachments in Dublin on 7th Nov 2019

Our Paediatric Specialists will be at the CRC (Central Remedial Clinic) in Clontarf on 7th Nov - just in time for Christmas! We are delighted to be heading to the CRC in Clontarf, Dublin on Thursday...

Special needs toileting in Ireland

Special needs toileting in Ireland

We are the leading supplier of special needs toileting equipment throughout Ireland  Our dedicated Product Specialists supply special needs toileting equipment throughout Ireland to schools, car...

The importance of R&D to Tomcat Trikes - the best special needs trikes on the market

The importance of R&D to Tomcat Trikes - the best special needs trikes on the market

Tomcat Special Needs Trikes have innovation at their heart Tomcat Trikes are the leading special needs trikes on the market and they invest 25% of annual turnover on Research and Development - and it...

Special Need Trikes in Ireland -speak to the experts

Special Need Trikes in Ireland -speak to the experts

An electrifying experience on the Tomcat Bullet! Judy Whittle had always been an active person until eight years ago when she went to the doctors for a routine check up; however, this resulted in a d...

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