
Mijo specializes in developing and producing handbike, electric wheelchair and scooters. Their technical team members has been in medical equipment for over 25 years. Their aim is the continual improvement of mobility for people with disabilities in order for them to achieve social integration and attain more quality of life.

Mijo Wheelchair Handbike attachments are available throughout the UK and Ireland from the experts at John Preston Healthcare Group - a sixth generation family business. We highly recommend a visit to our mobility showroom in Northern Ireland or Scotland to view our complete range of handbikes and wheelchair power attachments.   We have a comprehensive range of demonstration Mijo trike attachments and we offer a wide range of other brands to choose from. We welcome enquiries from occupational therapists for joint assessments & we offer free no obligation wheelchair power add on assessments on our extensive range of Wheelchair Trike attachments to clients based at home, workplace, hospital, school or care facilities in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Eire and Scotland. Speak to us about Mijo Wheelchair Power add on today on 028 92 677077 or browse our Mijo range below. 

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