Clenz Alcohol Hand Sanitiser

Product Code
Clenz Alcohol Hand Sanitiser is a powerful alcohol-based handrub with a high 75% alcohol content.   It is produced in the UK to the WHO recommended handrub formulation. Clenz is quick drying and kills a wide range of bacteria without t... read more
€6.84 €5.56
Free delivery across Ireland on orders over €250
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Clenz Alcohol Hand Sanitiser is a powerful alcohol-based handrub with a high 75% alcohol content.   It is produced in the UK to the WHO recommended handrub formulation. Clenz is quick drying and kills a wide range of bacteria without the need for water.  Using this 75% alcohol hand sanitiser and keeping your hands clean will help prevent the spread of viruses. Your hands will feel clean and fresh without the need for soap and water.  Clenz removes & destroys potentially harmful micro-organisms, prevent hands from becoming a vector of cross-infection and helps to ensure hands are clean to prevent the spread of disease and viral infections.  Choice of 500ml, 1 Litre triggerspray and 5 Litre Refill bottles.

Key features

  • 75 % Alcohol content
  • WHO recommended handrub formulation 
  • Produced in UK
  • Quick drying
  • Kills a wide range of bacteria
  • No need for water
  • 500 ml / 1 Litre Triggerspray bottles 
  • 5 Litre Refil bottle

According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, Annex II, as amended by Regulation (EU) No 453/2010 SECTION. World Health Organisation approved formulation.

  • 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
  • 1.1 Product identifier Product name Clenz Hand Cleanser Product number 5060142990800 Hand sanitiser 1 litre, 5060142990817 Hand sanitiser 350ml, 5060142990824 Hand sanitiser 5 litre
  • 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses PT1 Human Hygiene Biocidal Product . For full details regarding recommended uses please refer to the product label.
  • 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet on request 
  • 1.4 Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone National Poisons Information Service (UK) 0844 8920111 (Health Professionals only) National Poisons Information Centre (Eire) 01-8092566/8379964


  • 2: Hazards identification
  • 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture Classification Physical hazards Flam. Liq. 2 - H225 Health hazards Eye Irrit. 2 - H319 Environmental hazards Not Classified Classification (67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC) Xi;R41. F;R11. Human health Irritating to eyes. Revision date: 25/03/2020
  • Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A Environmental The product does not meet the requirement for classification as an environmental hazard in accordance with directive 1999/45/EEC Physicochemical The product is flammable. Heating may generate flammable vapours.

2.2. Signal word Danger

  • hazard statements
  • Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
  • Causes serious eye irritation.
  • Precautionary statements
  • Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources.
  • No smoking 
  • Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention.
  • In case of fire: Use foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder or water fog to extinguish. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with national regulations.

Supplemental label information

• WHO-recommended handrub formulation
• For external use only
• Avoid contact with eyes
• Keep out of the reach of children
• Date of production and batch number
• Use: Apply a palmful of alcohol-based handrub and cover all surfaces of the hands. Rub hands until dry
• Composition: ethanol or isopropanol, glycerol and hydrogen peroxide
• Flammable: keep away from flame and heatvB.Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A Eye protection not required normally but wear eye protection if you are conducting an operation where there is a risk of this product getting in the eyes. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Supplementary precautionary statements Keep container tightly closed.2.3. Other hazards This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vP

SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients

  • 3.2. Mixtures Composition comments The data shown are in accordance with the latest EC Directives. Ethanol Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) Glycerin (98%)

SECTION 4: First aid measures

  • 4.1. Description of first aid measures General information
  • Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.
  • Inhalation Due to the small pack size, the risk of inhalation is minimal.
  • Ingestion DO NOT induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately.
  • Eye contact Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention promptly if symptoms occur after washing.
  • 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed Inhalation No specific symptoms known. Ingestion May cause nausea, headache, dizziness and intoxication. Skin contact None known. Eye contact May cause severe eye irritation.
  • 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Notes for the doctor No specific recommendations. Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A


  • Firefighting measures 5.1. Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media Extinguish with the following media: Water spray, fog or mist. Foam, carbon dioxide or dry powder. Dry chemicals, sand, dolomite etc.
  • 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Specific hazards Highly flammable liquid and vapour. May form explosive mixture with air at very high concentration. Hazardous combustion products Oxides of carbon.
  • 5.3. Advice for firefighters Protective actions during firefighting Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. Special protective equipment for firefighters Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective clothing.

SECTION 6: Accidental release measures

  • 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Personal precautions Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet.
  • 6.2. Environmental precautions Environmental precautions Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the ground. Contain spillage with sand, earth or other suitable non-combustible material.
  • 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up Methods for cleaning up Eliminate all sources of ignition. No smoking, sparks, flames or other sources of ignition near spillage. Provide adequate ventilation. Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers. Wash thoroughly after dealing with a spillage.
  • 6.4. Reference to other sections Reference to other sections For personal protection, see Section 8

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

  • 7.1. Precautions for safe handling Usage precautions Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Avoid contact with eyes.
  • 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Storage precautions Store in tightly closed original container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame. Storage class Flammable liquid storage.
  • 7.3. Specific end use(s) Specific end use(s) The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section 1.2. Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A

SECTION 8: Exposure Controls/personal protection

  • 8.1. Control parameters Ingredient comments None.
  • 8.2. Exposure controls Protective equipment Appropriate engineering controls Not relevant. Eye/face protection Not required normally but wear eye protection if you are conducting an operation where there is a risk of this product getting in the eyes. Hand protection Not relevant. Other skin and body protection Not relevant. Hygiene measures DO NOT SMOKE IN WORK AREA! Promptly remove any clothing that becomes contaminated. Respiratory protection Not relevant.

SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

  • 9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties Appearance Liquid. Colour Colourless. Odour Characteristic. Odour threshold Not determined. pH pH (concentrated solution): 6.5-7.5 Melting point Not determined. Initial boiling point and range Not determined. Flash point 19 Deg C°C Evaporation rate Not determined. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Not determined. Vapour pressure Not determined. Vapour density Not determined. Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A Relative density Not determined. Partition coefficient Not determined. Auto-ignition temperature Not determined. Decomposition Temperature Not determined. Viscosity Not determined. Explosive properties Not determined. Oxidising properties Does not meet the criteria for classification as oxidising.
  • 9.2. Other information Other information None.

SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

  • 10.1. Reactivity There are no known reactivity hazards associated with this product.
  • 10.2. Chemical stability No particular stability concerns.
  • 10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions Not known.
  • 10.4. Conditions to avoid Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition.
  • 10.5. Incompatible materials Materials to avoid No specific material or group of materials is likely to react with the product to produce a hazardous situation.
  • 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products Hazardous decomposition products Oxides of carbon.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

  • 11.1. Information on toxicological effects Acute toxicity - oral Notes (oral LD₅₀) Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Acute toxicity - dermal Notes (dermal LD₅ ₀ ) Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Acute toxicity - inhalation Notes (inhalation LC₅ ₀ ) Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Skin corrosion/irritation Animal data Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Serious eye damage/irritation Serious eye damage/irritation Highly irritating. OECD 438 Respiratory sensitisation Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Skin sensitisation Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. Germ cell mutagenicity Genotoxicity - in vivo Does not contain any substances known to be mutagenic. Carcinogenicity Does not contain any substances known to be carcinogenic. Reproductive toxicity - development Does not contain any substances known to be toxic to reproduction. Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure STOT - single exposure No information available. Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure STOT - repeated exposure No information available. Aspiration hazard Based on available data the classification criteria are not met. General information No specific health hazards known. Inhalation No specific health hazards known. Ingestion May cause nausea, headache, dizziness and intoxication. Skin contact Skin irritation should not occur when used as recommended. Eye contact Irritating to eyes. Symptoms following overexposure may include the following: Redness. Pain.

SECTION 12: Ecological Information Ecotoxicity The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment.

  • 12.1. Toxicity Toxicity The product is not expected to be toxic to aquatic organisms.
  • 12.2. Persistence and degradability Persistence and degradability The product is expected to be biodegradable.
  • 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential Bioaccumulative potential No data available on bioaccumulation. Partition coefficient Not determined.
  • 12.4. Mobility in soil Mobility The product is soluble in water.
  • 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment Results of PBT and vPvB assessment This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB. 12.6. Other adverse effects Other adverse effects None known.

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

  • 13.1. Waste treatment methods General information Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the local Waste Disposal Authority. Disposal methods Reuse or recycle products wherever possible. Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of the local Waste Disposal Authority.

SECTION 14: Transport information

  • 14.1. UN number UN No. (ADR/RID) 1987 UN No. (IMDG) 1987 Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A UN No. (ICAO) 1987
  • 14.2. UN proper shipping name Proper shipping name (ADR/RID) ALCOHOLS, N.O.S. (ETHANOL, PROPAN-1-OL) Proper shipping name (IMDG) ALCOHOLS, N.O.S. (ETHANOL, PROPAN-1-OL) Proper shipping name (ICAO) ALCOHOLS, N.O.S. (ETHANOL, PROPAN-1-OL) Proper shipping name (ADN) ALCOHOLS, N.O.S. (ETHANOL, PROPAN-1-OL)
  • 14.3. Transport hazard class(es) ADR/RID class 3 ADR/RID label 3 IMDG class 3 ICAO class/division 3 Transport labels
  • 14.4. Packing group ADR/RID packing groupII IMDG packing group II ICAO packing group II
  • 14.5. Environmental hazards Environmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutant No.
  • 14.6. Special precautions for user EmS F-E, S-D Emergency Action Code •3YE Hazard Identification Number (ADR/RID) 33 Tunnel restriction code (D/E)
  • 14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture EU legislation Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction Revision date: 25/03/2020 Revision: 1 Supersedes date: N/A of Chemicals (REACH) (as amended). Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (as amended). Commission Directive 91/322/EEC of 29 May 1991 on establishing indicative limit values by implementing Council Directive 80/1107/EEC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents at work. Commission Directive 2000/39/EC of 8 June 2000 establishing a first list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents at work (as amended). REGULATION (EU) No 528/2012 (as amended) concerning the making available on the market and use of biocidal products. Water hazard classification WGK 1 15.2. Chemical safety assessment No chemical safety assessment has been carried out.

SECTION 16: Other information

  • General information Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. Only trained personnel should use this material.
  • Key literature references and sources for data Where Exposure Scenarios for the substances listed in Section 3 are available they have been assessed for the uses identified in this data sheet or on the product label and the appropriate relevant information is incorporated into this Safety Data Sheet. Revision comments None Revision date N/A Risk phrases in full R11 Highly flammable R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.
  • R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Hazard statements in full H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour. H318 Causes serious eye damage. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.
  • Notes for Risk Phrases and Hazard Statements in Full The full text for Risk Phrases and Hazard Statements in section 16 relates to the reference numbers in sections 2 and 3 and not necessarily the finished product classification.
  • This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in 
  • Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness.
  • It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use
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Standard Delivery - Free on all Orders over £200 ex VAT *

We offer free courier delivery service on all orders over £200.00 ex VAT in the UK and Ireland (excluding Islands and Scottish Highlands.*)  Deliveries to the Highlands and Islands are available but will require a separate quotation supplied by John Preston Healthcare Group.  These items will be delivered direct to you via a courier or groupage service. Larger items of equipment may be delivered on a pallet, you will then need to remove the item from its packaging and carry out any assembly of the item. We, of course can always be contacted for assistance on the phone to help you with this. Please note this is a normally a roadside delivery service. Larger items will be delivered in a box on a pallet and the driver only delivers to the roadside, therefore you will need to be able to unpack the box or move it to your home. And you may require two people depending on the item you have bought.  Orders under £200.00 are subject to a local area delivery charge as follows:

  • Mainland England, Scotland and Wales £6.80 plus VAT
  • Northern Ireland £4.99 plus VAT
  • Republic of Ireland £7.35 plus VAT

Please note this is a Roadside delivery service. The Item will be delivered in a box on a pallet and the driver only delivers to the roadside, therefore you will need to be able to unpack the box or move it to your home. And you may require 2 people depending on the item you have bought.

Enhanced Delivery and Installation Service 

This enhanced delivery option is fulfilled by our logistics partners Healthcare Distribution Direct, specialists in the white glove delivery and installation of healthcare equipment. Please note that this option will take longer than the standard delivery service due to availability of engineers in your area. Approximate expected delivery time for enhanced delivery will be around two weeks from the date of order but can be longer on occasion. It may also be delivered quicker if circumstances allow. Should you proceed with this option, one of our team will contact you to advise delivery date. Enhanced Delivery & Installation includes:

  • Delivery of your order into your home by competent personnel
  • Unpacking and assembly of your order
  • Adjustment of the equipment to your needs
  • A full demonstration on the safe use of your item
  • Removal of all packaging

This is ideal for those customers who require assistance with unpacking and assembling an item and for whom the standard kerbside delivery is not an option. We recommend this option for customers purchasing Mobility scooters particularly larger ones, Electric wheelchairs, electric profiling beds, electric riser recliner chairs, hoists and bath lifts. This service is available throughout the UK and Ireland excluding the Scottish Highlands and all Islands. The enhanced delivery option is not eligible for refund once the service has been fulfilled. If you have any questions about this service just call our helpful team on 028 92 67 70 77 and we will be delighted to help answer any questions that you have.

Enhanced delivery and installation services.  Cick the relevant links below for pricing or to add to basket

Installation and Plumbing

Some of our products will require installation by a qualified person such as a plumber, electrician or engineer. This includes the installation of Stairlifts, overhead track hoists, Biobidet toilet washers, level access shower trays and our range of bath tubs. Please contact us if you require this service as this is not included in any of the above options.

Delivery Of Your Order

We offer a nationwide service in the UK and the Republic Of Ireland. Customers requiring delivery to areas outside these zones will be contacted as an alternative carriage charge will apply. We will always do our best to minimize such costs. We aim to deliver within 7 working days items that we hold in stock. After placing your order, you will receive an e-mail advising the delivery date. Some specialised and large items such as certain powered chairs and riser recliner chairs can take up to 14 working days to deliver. If any item is out of stock at the time of ordering we will telephone and email you. You will have the option to wait, choose another product or to cancel your order.  You should inspect goods immediately on arrival and note any damage on the carrier’s delivery note before signing the delivery note and handing it to the driver. We also ask you to inform us of any damage within 24 hours of receipt of goods.  If it is not possible for you to inspect the goods before signing the carrier’s delivery note please mark the delivery note clearly with the word “unexamined”. Please then inspect the goods within 24 hours of receiving them and inform us about any damage within 24 hours.

Returns Policy and Returns Procedure

Business to Business Transactions

B2B customers must take responsibility for ordering the correct items for their needs as we do not offer returns or refunds on any B2B transactions which are exempt from the Consumer Contracts Regulations. 

Business to Consumer Transactions

We hope that the product you receive meets your requirements completely but in the unlikely event of wanting to return an item, the following information applies. John Preston Healthcare offer a 14 Days (Calendar Days) cooling off period in which customers can inspect the goods and determine suitability. Your statutory rights are not affected. To exercise this right you must download the Returns Request Form that can be downloaded here or at the bottom of this page. Please follow the instructions detailed within this form.  The goods must be returned at your cost within 14 days of the date of your notification to us that you wish to return the goods. In all instances a completed returns form must accompany the goods and include your Authorised Returns Number that we will provide you with. Where goods are manufactured to order, made to measure or bespoke for example bespoke riser recliner chairs, bespoke power chairs, made to measure wheelchairs, special needs buggies, these items cannot be returned.  For obvious hygiene reasons, we regret we cannot accept the return of underwear, bath safety products, toilet seats, commodes, bathing slings, single patient use medical devices such as Repose pressure area care devices and single patient use slide sheets, and such similar items.   We also do not accept returns of any made to order, bespoke products. Your statutory rights are not affected. Please contact us if you require any further information about returns. 

All products must be returned complete, unused, in an undamaged state and in their original packaging where possible. If products are not returned in their original condition on return, John Preston Healthcare reserves the right to charge for repair or replacement of any product(s). This charge may include the cost of parts, materials, labour and any subsequent loss to John Preston & Co (Belfast).  Please note that where an enhanced delivery service has been used, delivery charges will not be refunded once delivery has been made. You must return the item in undamaged and unused condition in the original packaging and ensure the item is packed securely in order to avoid damage during transit. We will inspect the item promptly after its return to us and if the item is undamaged, you will receive a refund within 30 days. Should there be any damage to the item caused by you or due to unsatisfactory packaging used by you, we reserve the right to charge for any replacement parts necessary to ensure goods are returned to as new condition. The cost of returning any unwanted but otherwise satisfactory items is entirely at your own expense.   Your statutory rights are not affected.

Cancellation of orders not yet delivered

If you change your mind before your order have been dispatched, you can request a cancellation by calling 028 92 67 70 77 or by emailing If the order has already been despatched & you are too late to request a cancellation, you may still request a return in accordance with the above returns procedure.   Any item that is made to order or bespoke in any way cannot be cancelled once your order has been placed.

Guarantees and warranties

In addition to your statutory rights, all products sold by us have a manufacturer’s warranty of a minimum of 12 months which covers the cost of replacement parts in the event of manufacturing or material faults. The cost of any labour is not included in any warranty and for customers requiring at home warranty service including labour provision should opt in for our Gold Service.  Where a part requires either replacement or repair the item (or part) is to be shipped back to source at the customers expense unless Gold service has been paid for at time of purchase. Warranties on scooters and wheelchairs do not cover serviceable or consumable items such as batteries, bulbs, worn or punctured tyres. Such items will be charged for separately. Please contact us for further details.  For certain products we can provide an annual service at an additional cost. Please contact us for further details if your purchase requires servicing or repair or you wish to arrange an annual service contract.  Should you encounter a problem with your purchase within the warranty period please contact us. We will require your purchase to be returned to us for inspection and any necessary repair.


All goods are purchased from us at the request of the purchaser. We cannot and do not offer medical or clinical advice. We offer guidance only about the functionality and the suitability of products based on the information you give us. We want to provide you with the most suitable product for your needs.  We believe that selecting the correct product is of great importance. If you remain in any doubt as to the suitability of a product for your needs, we suggest that you seek the advice of a qualified Occupational Therapist or Health Professional before confirming your purchase. All images shown on the site are for demonstration purposes only and may not necessarily show the actual product that you will receive. Please read the product description thoroughly as this will give the correct product details.

About your rights as a consumer and how we will deal with your complaints and the return of items you purchase:

Your rights as a consumer are protected by the Consumer Rights Act (2015).  We are proud to be a member of the BHTA and have signed up to their code of practice along with happily participating in their complaints and mediation process if required. Our Complaints Procedure is detailed below and should this process not satisfy you then you can contact the BHTA -click here for their website – and request mediation.   We will only sell goods that are of a satisfactory quality. Goods must be of a standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory. Quality is a general term, which covers a number of matters including:

  • Fitness for all the purposes for which goods of that kind are usually supplied
  • Appearance and finish
  • Freedom from minor defects
  • Safety
  • Durability

In assessing quality, all relevant circumstances will be considered, including price, description, and advertising that we commission.

Any goods will also be fit for a particular purpose. When a consumer indicates that goods are required for a particular purpose, or where it is obvious that goods are intended for a particular purpose and a trader supplies them to meet that requirement, the goods should be fit for that specified purpose, match the description, sample or model. When a consumer relies on a description, sample or display model the goods supplied must conform to it. If the goods do not conform, an offence may have been committed.   All goods must be installed correctly, where installation has been agreed as part of the contract

Consumer Rights Act 2015 – Consumer Rights Summary

1: Goods bought in our showroom / shop:

What Are Your Consumer Rights?  The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says goods must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. During the expected lifespan of your product you’re entitled to the following:

  • Up to 30 days: If your goods are faulty, you can get an immediate refund.
  • Up to 6 months: If it can’t be repaired or replaced, then you’re entitled to a full refund in most cases.
  • Up to 5 years: If the goods do not last a reasonable length of time you may be entitled to some money back.

You do not have a legal right to a refund or replacement just because you change your mind. BUT… please ask us about our returns policy as we may be able to help in-store. This is a summary of some of your key rights. For detailed information from Citizens Advice please visit or call 03454 04 05 06

2: Services paid for in our showroom / shop: What Are Your Consumer Rights?

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says:

  • You can ask us to repeat or fix a service if it’s not carried out with reasonable care and skill, or get some money back if we can’t fix it.
  • If you haven’t agreed a price beforehand, what you’re asked to pay must be reasonable.
  • If you haven’t agreed a time beforehand, it must be carried out within a reasonable time.

This is a summary of some of your key rights. For detailed information from Citizens Advice please visit or call 03454 04 05 06

3: Goods ordered at home: What Are Your Consumer Rights?

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 say:

  • Up to 14 days: After receiving your goods, in most cases, you can change your mind and get a full refund.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says goods must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality. During the expected lifespan of your product you’re entitled to the following:

  • Up to 30 days: If your goods are faulty, you can get a refund.
  • Up to 6 months: If it can’t be repaired or replaced, then you’re entitled to a full refund in most cases.
  • Up to 5 years: If the goods do not last a reasonable length of time you may be entitled to some money back.

This is a summary of some of your key rights. For detailed information from Citizens Advice please visit or call 03454 04 05 06

Services ordered at home: What Are Your Consumer Rights?

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 say:

  • In most cases, you can cancel within 14 days. If you agree the service will start within this time you may be charged for what you’ve used.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says:

  • You can ask us to repeat or fix the service if it’s not carried out with reasonable care and skill, or get some money back if we can’t fix it.
  • If a price hasn’t been agreed upfront, what you’re asked to pay must be reasonable.
  • If a time hasn’t been agreed upfront, it must be carried out within a reasonable time.

This is a summary of some of your key rights. For detailed information from Citizens Advice please visit or call 03454 04 05 06

Digital content - What Are Your Consumer Rights?

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 say:

  • You have a 14 day right to change your mind and get a full refund on your digital content. You do not have this right to cancel once a download has started provided you have been told this and have acknowledged this.
  • The Consumer Rights Act 2015 says digital content must be as described, fit for purpose and of satisfactory quality.
  • If your digital content is faulty, you’re entitled to a repair or a replacement.
  • If the fault can’t be fixed, or if it hasn’t been fixed within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience, you can get some, or all of your money back.
  • If you can show the fault has damaged your device and we haven’t used reasonable care and skill, you may be entitled to a repair or compensation.

This is a summary of some of your key rights. For detailed information from Citizens Advice please visit or call 03454 04 05 06

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Manufacturer's Product Warranty

Most of the capital equipment listed on our website comes with a 12 month manufacturer's warranty against manufacturing faults. Please refer to individual listings for specific manufacturer warranty information or call us on 01 604 0214 if required. Should a fault develop within the manufacturer warranty period which is found to be as a result of a manufacturing defect, the manufacturer will supply replacement parts free of charge. Some manufacturers offer longer warranty terms and some offer less terms on specific consumables such as batteries. Wear and tear items and consumables are not covered by the manufacturers warranty. The manufacturer usually includes their warranty terms in their user manual. If in doubt please ask.

As standard, parts will be supplied under warranty free of charge but labour charges will apply if you are unable to replace the part yourself. Labour and call out charge information can be provided by phone on 01 604 0214. We strongly advise all customers to retain the product packagaing so that it can be used if the product needs to be sent for repair at one of our Service Centres. Customers should also note that all efforts will be made to resolve any issues in a swift and efficient manner but we do not provide an emergency on-call service.

Enhanced Warranty Support 

If you are considering buying an electric wheelchair, mobility scooter, electric rise and recline chair, bath lift, hoist or electric profiling beds then you may wish to consider taking out our optional 12 Months Enhanced Warranty Support. As manufacturers’ warranties do not in general include callouts and labour, we highly recommend our “12 Months Enhanced Warranty Support " which covers the cost of call outs and labour to diagnose faults and fit warranty parts for up to 3 call outs in year one. Should your product develop a fault we will always try to diagnose the problem by telephone to provide the quickest solution. If you opt in to the enhanced warranty support we will appoint a competent person to call out and fit parts under warranty and there would be no charge incurred for the call out and labour.

If you don’t opt in to this service, we can either dispatch the parts via courier for you to appoint your own fitter or we would offer to arrange a chargeable call out for an engineer to visit. This enhanced warranty option doesn’t cover the cost of call outs and labour to repair or fit parts not covered under warranty due to damage or customer misuse. In the event of non warranty parts requirements labour and call outs are chargeable at the standard rate.

Our vast range of products includes many popular and common solutions along with many specialised and sophisticated bespoke products. We know that peace of mind is important for any user or customer so we try and provide all product warranty information. If you require specific warranty information on any product in our range just call us on 01 604 0214 or make an enquiry on the product page itself online.