Making every conversation count

Customer Care Statement

At John Preston Healthcare we truly believe that by putting customers first and listening to what they want we can deliver the highest possible standards of customer care. We have worked closely with our customers to set out how we will deliver high quality and customer focussed products and services, making sure we stay true to our overall aims to:

  • Deliver excellent products and services
  • Put customers at the heart of the business
  • Maximise resources and opportunities

Our Customers and Stakeholders

Anyone who purchases a product or service from our company is considered our customer. Our stakeholders are people indirectly or indirectly affected by the actions of our company. Customer care is the way we interact with customers and stakeholders when we provide services, advice and support to them.

Aims of Charter

This charter aims to:

  • Set out how we provide high quality and customer focused services
  • Have clear standards on how we expect our employees and management to behave
  • Help customers to understand how our values underpin everything we do and everything we aim to achieve


We believe that in working together with people, both internally and externally, we will be able to achieve the very best. We recognise that listening to others and understanding their needs is the only way to develop long lasting and successful partnerships.


We have the commitment, passion and determination to achieve better things, a will to succeed and be the best that we can as individuals and collectively as an organisation. A tenacious energy to learn, improve and bring out the best in ourselves and eachother – to accomplish our goals and make a positive difference. An ambition and desire to build something that both staff and customers are proud to be part of.


We are trusted as the custodians of valuable assets and resources. What we do is serious and important to the lives of local people. We approach our work with tenacity and integrity. We take a long term view and are aware of the impact our actions have on people’s lives. We will always strive to achieve the best possible benefits for all.

Principles of the Charter

Our customers can expect us to

  • Always strive to deliver high quality products and excellent services and aim to get things right first time
  • Provide easily accessible product and services which meet customer’s needs
  • Show that we understand how people are different and treat individuals fairly, with dignity and courtesy
  • Always be open, honest and truthful and always protect customer’s privacy
  • Create opportunities for customers and stakeholders to get involved in developing areas of the business and services which affect them, their homes and their communities
  • Encourage all forms of feedback so that we will learn from customer experiences
  • Keep our appointments with customers, but whenever we are unable to do so, inform customers of any changes in a timely and responsible way.
  • Share ideas about improving products and services through transparent and meaningful consultation.

We provide to uphold our commitment to delivering excellent standards for customer care by:

  • Making our customers feel valued whenever they contact us or when they/we visit – in line with our customer service standards.
  • Regularly monitoring and reviewing what we do to make sure we don’t act in a discriminating way.
  • Providing employees and partners with high quality training to ensure that customer focus and diversity awareness are present in all the work that they do.
  • Setting out clear policies and procedures designed to implement standards.

We promise to communicate in the best way we can by:

  • Providing a professional call handling and online chat service utilising client information and known communication preferences to best help our customers.
  • Providing easily accessible showrooms which are welcoming and comfortable.
  • Making use of the internet and social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter).
  • Providing a safe, secure and easy to use online platform for buying goods and services.
  • Making private assessment areas available to customers when appropriate to do so.
  • Arranging to visit customers in their homes when it is convenient and more appropriate to do so.
  • Producing documents that have been written in a way that customers can easily understand.

We aim to maintain high standards for communication and customer care by:

  • Returning telephone calls to customers on the same day that we have promised to do so.
  • Acting upon messages left by voicemail, email, social media, online or by text with employees before the end of the next working day.
  • When staff are unavailable for longer periods of time they will leave recorded messages to explain and signpost customers to other colleagues who can help.
  • Where a satisfactory response is likely to take more than 5 working days to prepare we shall contact the customer to explain and agree how best to keep in touch with them until we can provide a full response.
  • We will ensure that personal information held about people is used and protected in line with guidelines relating to the Data Protection Act 1998.

Our employees and those acting on our behalf will:

  • Give our name to customers whenever greeting them in person or on the telephone.
  • Wear a company name badge and carry a separate photographic ID card when carrying out visits to a customer’s home.
  • Introduce ourselves when calling at a customer’s home, giving our name and job title and offering photographic identification or a contact number. This should only be the John Preston Healthcare switchboard number for use by those who wish to confirm our identity.
  • Make sure customers know what to expect from our involvement with them.
  • Tell customers when a request goes beyond the products or services provided by John Preston Healthcare and if appropriate, refer them to someone who can help.
  • Phone ahead of appointments.
  • Arrive at the agreed time and be suitably equipped to deal with any pre-arranged appointment.
  • If visiting a customer to find they are not at home, we will leave a calling card with our contact details for the customer to get in touch with us.

We ask our customers to:

  • Not use offensive language, discourteous or threatening language or behaviour whenever dealing with our staff and partners.
  • Performance Monitoring and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Senior Management Team to ensure that:

  • All staff are made aware of the company’s policies relating to the delivery of goods and services to customers.
  • All staff receive suitable training to deliver customer services in line with those policies and their particular area of responsibility.
  • Customer services are monitored, and where necessary, records relating to performance are collated in accordance with John Preston Healthcare’s policies and procedures.
  • Appropriate action is taken again employees who actions are inconsistent with this Charter to the clear detriment of customers and stakeholders.

If you have any questions or queries relating to this document or any policies within it please do not hesitate to get in touch

Need some advice?

Give us a call if you have any questions:

01 604 0214

9am - 5pm Monday - Friday